According to the company, this beverage would optimize one's use of the Google search engine by increasing the drinker's intelligence. Google Gulp, a fictitious drink, was announced by Google in 2005. In reality, it was a double fake, in that the announced product was serious. The announcement of Gmail was written in an unserious jokey language normally seen in April Fools' jokes, tricking many into thinking that it was an April Fools' joke.
#Mic drop v free#
Google also announced Gmail on April 1, with an unprecedented and unbelievable free 1 GB space, compared to e.g.

Please clap hands three times, while chanting "I believe" and try again. Remove aluminum foil and remote control devices. Try again after removing hat, glasses and shoes. Error 104: That information was lost with the Martian Lander.Error CKR8: That information is protected under the National Security Act.Error 445: Searching on this topic is prohibited under international law.Error 4P: Unclear on whether your search is about money or monkeys.Error 05: Brainwaves received in analog.Silence voices in your head and try again. Error 666: Multiple transmitters detected.Error 005: KUT Weak or no signal detected.Several humorous error messages were then displayed on the search results page, all listed below: Google's first April Fools' Day hoax, the MentalPlex hoax, invited users to project a mental image of what they wanted to find while staring at an animated GIF.