Hyperspaces wiki cuchta
Hyperspaces wiki cuchta

hyperspaces wiki cuchta

Vessels may be violently pulled out of (or intentionally leave) this hyperspace by traveling close enough to a large mass in normal space to be pulled out by interaction with the gravity field (but preferably not so close as to collide with anything). The preferred hyperspace of the Dieselpunk-Earth universe, at least among humans and near-humans, is a smaller universe than normal space, but is more-or-less coterminous with it, and is mathematically 'close' to normal space, to the point that large gravitational fields in normal space extend into this hyperspace. Either might be converted into the other with sufficient effort, and the skills involved should default to each other at no worse than -4.)

hyperspaces wiki cuchta

(In an Infinite Worlds campaign, a Parachronic Engineer would note unnerving similarities between hyperspace engines and projectors, and sub-quantum conveyer or projector systems. Not all of these hyperspaces are safe for human use, however, without the development of appropriate defensive measures (and even then, another hyperspace might be preferable).

hyperspaces wiki cuchta

The hyperdrive works by traveling through any of several alternate dimensions called 'hyperspaces', where distances are shorter, or where points in normal space don't always correspond to the same points in that hyperspace, but this lack-of-correspondence happens in a predictable and useful fashion. This Five Earths information can be used as a jumping off point for hyperdrives.

Hyperspaces wiki cuchta