This application is divided into two projects. Instead, I will give a brief overview of how it works, and then I will spend more time on the few items that caused me the most problems, along with hopefully good deployment instructions for those who don’t care how it works, but just want to use it. For that reason, I will not go into the details of each method that makes up this control.
Since I abstracted a lot of the configuration complexities away, the amount of code got a little lengthy for what I would consider a simple application.

I also wanted to make sure images could be changed, removed, and added without having to do a rebuild of the application or stop/start the web server. The main emphasis I put on building this image viewer was to make it easy to implement on a site (HTML or ASP.NET) and yet contain a handful of useful features. All configuration changes can be made without recompiling the ImageRotator.Image border width and color/opacity can be changed.Can pause auto-play when the number button is selected, restarted when another button is selected.Image number, last and next buttons can be hidden/displayed.Image transition effects can be turned on/off.